Duesseldorf: Book cheap Day Rooms & hotels by hour at -75%
You are looking for a day use hotel situated close to a station, an airport or any point of interest you may want to discover ? Pick a day use hotel and then book the day use hotel that will meet your expectations. Booking only requires an e-mail and no credit card. You can book a day room in some luxury hotels, which allows you to enjoy a bedroom that usually costs hundreds of euros for the night and to pay it only 100 euros in day use. For a couple of lovers, meeting in a romantic hotel for a few hours will offert hem a wonderful memory.
Booking a hotel just for a few hours allows customers to pay only for what they use. Indeed, it is useless to pay a hotel room for the entire night while you can pay much less by renting it just for an hour. There are hotels that offer 3-hour time slops from 9 to 12a.m and 2 to 5 p.m. Available options : rose petals, Champagne half bottles, jacuzzi, room service, closed parking.
The French phrase « 5 à 7 » describes a romantic date just for a few hours. So Room offers discreet and cozy hotels located everywhere to allow you to take a break, alone or accompanied.
Our hotels are located close to highway exits and rest areas. Some people prefer to travel by night and have rest during the day to avoid traffic jams. As France is a small country, it is easy to go to another city just for the day or even just for the after-noon. You may need to travel for different reasons : going to a job interview, visiting a friend, discovering a new city or meeting your beloved.