SoRoom terms of use, the day use room website specialist

The website is property of NDDC SAS, service provider that rent hotel rooms during a defined time slot during the day

Privacy Policy

NDDC agrees not to reveal any personal data collected on its website to anyone else but the hotel which the client has booked. NDDC complies with all the French laws (the June 21st, 2004 law, on confidence in the digital economy) and dispositions of the law on data confidentiality (law n°78-17 dated from January, 6th, 1978 on computing, files and liberties). For any request, you can write a letter to NDDC- 21 rue Fecamp- 75012 Paris or an email at contact(@) CNIL declaration number: 1909016 v 0. Cookies used on this website : Used while browsing to store your research. You can delete them in the Preferences menu of your browser.


NDDC and the hotels listed on the website condemns all illegal activities and therefore can cancel, at any time, any suspicious reservations that seems unlawful.


For most of the hotels, you book your room at no charge through website but you pay directly at the hotel upon arrival.


Cancellation is free of charge right up to 2 hours prior to arrival time. To cancel your reservation, click on « manage my reservation» in your email confirmation. You can then cancel your reservation yourself. You will receive an instant cancellation confirmation.

If you have already made a reservation for the same day, please cancel it before booking a new one. Double bookings are not taken into account.

Hotel Star Rating

Our hotel star rating, independent of the official classification, is the result of NDDC’s rating and relies on various elements such as hotel visits and customers reviews. Most of these ratings are identical to the official classification.

Peak Season - Low Season pricing

The rate of a day room can vary according to the season.


The website choice and layout of text and images are property of NDDC Copyright, Copyright. All rights reserved. is protected by the copyright laws of March, 11th, 1957 and July, 3rd, 1985 on intellectual property. No part of this website may be published, distributed, extracted, re-utilised, or reproduced in any material form without written permission of NDDC. Any infringement will lead to a lawsuit .